Best Telescope Mounts For Astrophotography

Best Telescope Mounts For Astrophotography

Astrophotography would be so a lot simpler if the Earth didn’t rotate on its axis.

Anyone who has ever taken that “impeccable shot” just to discover loads of little tails on the stars like tadpoles will recognize what I am discussing!

The inability to make up for the movement of the night sky is the reason such a significant number of novice space experts require a tropical mount to observe celestial pictures.

When considering astrophotography, even the smallest tracking inaccuracies will be uncovered in your shots.

Regardless of whether you are simply beginning this exciting journey of astrophotography or are looking to upgrade to a better mounting setup, we have your back with this buyer’s manual for the best telescope mounts for astrophotography.

What type of mount should you consider for astrophotography?

When you first begin taking a gander at mounts for your telescope and astrophotography you will frequently experience terms like equatorial or altazimuth.

The two major mount types.

Video by epicfantasy

These basically allude to the two most basic kinds of mounts accessible, however which is the best mount for astrophotography?

Most astrophotographers will suggest equatorial mounts for astrophotography, yet why? Most likely anything with an embedded computer that focuses and moves the telescope for you is great, correct?

I discovered this difficult to comprehend when first beginning but I will try to simplify it for you.

But first, let us look at the different mounts you have the option to choose from.

Altazimuth or non-equatorial mounts.

How to choose an Altazimuth Telescope.

Video by Orion Telescopes & Binoculars

The most straightforward sort of non-equatorial mount is the altazimuth mount, which permits movement in two axes and pointing toward any path.

The azimuth axis enables the telescope to move on a level plane, while the elevation empowers the scope to move vertically.

Ideal for review of the night skies and planets above, you will frequently discover camera tripods utilize this sort of mount as well. They take into account simple aiming of your scope, an unfaltering viewing experience and are agreeable to utilize.

It’s a basic system which takes into account pointing your telescope toward any path and is appropriate for easy stargazing.

Mechanized altazimuth mounts are utilized by numerous individuals of the prominent GoTo telescopes which can track the stars as the Earth turns. Objects will remain in the focal point of the eyepiece for consistent perception.

Be that as it may, the geometries included will make the remainder of the field of view turn, which can be an issue for long exposure shots.

Equatorial mounts.

How does a Equatorial mount work?

Video made by Junk Pile

Equatorial mounts are intended to make up for the rotation of the Earth and to follow the movement of stars and other celestial bodies.

The Earth plays out a full rotation in 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.09 seconds, however, luckily, most heavenly objects you will watch are so far away that this development is scarcely perceptible to the human eye.

With regards to astrophotography, particularly long exposure shots, that development may leave a motion blur, which will show up as star trails.

Equatorial mounts will utilize a polar axis, or right rising axis, which is adjusted to a similar axis of the pivot as the Earth. In blending with a declination axis running parallel to the polar axis, you can point your scope at any part of the sky.

Once locked on to an object you need to just watch as the polar axis will go on to track the object.

When an equatorial mount is polar adjusted, the mounted telescope can be pointed utilizing setting hovers on the two axes.

Mechanized drives on the two axes take into account the exact situating of the scope, while the polar or right climb (RA) axis will pursue the turn of the globe for tracking an object.

The advantages of equatorial mounts for astrophotography.

In spite of the fact that you can point an altazimuth mount at any part of the sky, you will need to move it both on a level plane and vertically to follow. This will make the field of view turn in the eyepiece as you track the star.

Altazimuth mounts can be perfect for easygoing stargazing, yet will be unreasonably erroneous for astrophotography.

Setting circles on an equatorial mount will take into account the user to physically position the scope utilizing an organizational system.

Practically like zip codes, as long as you probably are aware of the directions of the object you wish to see, you can without much of a stretch discover the object.

equatorial mounts for astrophotography.

You can follow an objective physically by turning the correct RA handle, albeit equatorial mounts come with motors. Engines on one of the two axes will take into account tracking a star without repositioning the scope inevitably.

You could undoubtedly watch your objective for a few minutes or hours without making any alterations—perfect for long-exposure astrophotography.

Some altazimuth mounts may have mechanized mounts for star following, however, the picture will turn in your eyepiece.

Plan for the future when buying the amount.

When you are picking your first mount for astrophotography, you ought to consistently get ready for what’s to come.

Shoddy equatorial mounts might almost certainly hold your present telescope and hardware stable, yet shouldn’t you plan ahead for your next telescopes?

Astrophotography can be addictive and you may consistently end up moving up to a bigger, all the more dominant scope.

Telescopes are expensive instruments, therefore I’m not advocating another mount as well.

Increasingly costly and better quality mounts will have a more prominent payload limit, and you ought to consistently go for one with a least twofold the heaviness of your gear.

On the off chance that an appraised payload is 30 pounds, does that incorporate the stabilizers as well, or simply your camera and telescope? You would need to answer that too before considering a mount for yourself.

The best telescope mounts for astrophotography.

With such a significant number of various mounts accessible, it tends to be difficult to tell which is best for your telescope. Try not to be shocked by the expense of a few; no one said astrophotography will be cheap.

You may see modernized GoTo telescopes selling for less than a decent mount, however most will utilize the AZ mounts which are not advanced for astrophotography.

A decent astrophotography mount will ultimately determine whether astrophysics becomes your lifelong hobby or just another bunch of equipment sitting in the garage gathering dust.

Here are my preferred five telescope mounts for astrophotography that you can purchase in 2019.

Best Overall – Orion 10010 Atlas Pro AZ/EQ-G Computerized GoTo Telescope Mount.

Find the latest price and customer reviews on Amazon here.

​Carrying a 44-pound payload, this overhauled Orion Atlas mount underpins four pounds more than the mainstream unique Atlas EQ mount.

It likewise weighs less as well, at just 46.7 pounds, about three pounds lighter than its ancestor. Could you ask for anything better, other than the high cost?

Features – Orion Atlas Pro AZ/EQ-G mount.

This mount comes as standard with an overhauled belt-driven engine drive, which can situate more than 42,000 celestial objects with precision.

What I truly loved was the optical encoders which enable you to adjust the scope and when moved and pointed in an alternate bearing, the mount still knows precisely where it is without requirement for change.


  • Liberal 44-pound payload limit.
  • It can likewise be controlled from a handset, your PC or by means of a cell phone with an extra Wi-Fi unit.
  • Three-in-one mount which can be utilized as AZ mount for casual observation or terrestrial viewing.
  • Smooth yet vigorous scope modification for polar arrangement and incorporates polar degree.


  • Handheld control isn’t as instinctive as utilizing a PC or telephone application.
  • Less affordable than numerous different models.

Best German Equatorial Mount – Celestron CGX Computerized German Equatorial Mount And Tripod.

Find the latest price and customer reviews on Amazon here.

​The other enormous name in cosmology, Celestron, makes what is outstanding among other German Equatorial mounts, which flaunts a payload limit of 55 pounds.

Introducing the Celestron CGX.

That additional load of a telescope is going to require something to adjust it on the polar axis, which is the reason German EQ mounts highlight stabilizers at the far edge.

This is one hearty mount with a huge, steadier tripod than numerous different mounts, and a high torque belt drive engine system.

A NextStar PC handheld controller has a 40,000-object database that controls the telescope and a mechanized focuser.

The CGX mount likewise incorporates all-new Polar arrangement programming with simple to-utilize arrangement handles.


  • A mechanized EQ mount with a gigantic 55-pound payload limit.
  • Spring-stacked worm riggings make it one of the calmest telescope mounts in operation.
  • Internal routed cable links for a tidier and more secure appearance.
  • Scope of 3 to 65 degrees, with sliding mount head, is more extensive than other EQ mounts.
  • Amazing CelestronGoTo programming, including polar arrangement.
  • The tripod is stable and looks to have longevity.


  • A genuine financial investment, yet one which should last.
  • Overwhelming, with a mounting head of 44 pounds and stabilizers of 11 pounds each.
  • It can be a struggle to lift the head on to the tripod.

Best Budget Astrophotography Mount – Orion AstroView EQ Mount and EQ-3M Motor Drive Kit.

Find the latest price and customer reviews on Amazon here.

​An equatorial mount from Orion, this isn’t really the least expensive mount they make.

That respect goes to the Orion EQ1 equatorial telescope mount, however, that has a fairly unobtrusive payload limit of 7 pounds that you will before long exceed and it does exclude an engine as standard.

Orion AstroView EQ Mount overview.

Video by Orion Telescopes & Binoculars

Rather, taking into consideration as much as 12 pounds of payload for your telescope and camera gear, this mount is perfect for littler refractors.

It is anything but a mechanized GoTo system yet rather includes a following engine, which keeps your scope concentrated on the object you at first pointed it at.


  • An economical and lightweight alternative for beginners. Extraordinary for transportation in vehicles to set up mid-field.
  • 12 pounds payload ought to be sufficient for most 80mm refractors.
  • Precision EQ-3M is smaller than a normal engine for the programmed following of celestial objects.
  • Removable 8-inch bird plate for fast connection of a telescope with no instruments.
  • An electronic handheld controller is anything but difficult to use, with eight speeds and pause controls.


  • 12-pound payload limit can restrict which extensions or cameras you use.
  • No GoTo programming, which can make long exposure astrophotography progressively troublesome.
  • Just a section level mount.

Best Astrophotography Mount for Beginners – Celestron Advanced VX Mount.

Find the latest price and customer reviews on Amazon here.

​The Celestron Advanced VX Mount ups the game by supporting a liberal 30-pound payload, way over the Orion Astroview’s pitiful 12 pounds.

Despite everything it comes in at a decent cost, be that as it may, and is the perfect learner tripod for beginner astrophotographers who may have, or expect to move up to, a heavier telescope.

Celestron Advanced VX EQ Mount.

Video made by Woodland Hills Camera & Telescopes

Tipping the scales at 47 pounds, it’s significantly heavier than comparatively estimated mounts, however, it underpins that heavier payload.

It does, in any case, additionally incorporate a polar extension, and Celestron’s astounding NextStar controller, which makes it extraordinarily worthwhile.

A refreshed modern structure offers greater steadiness and less flexure, making it perfect for astrophotography.


  • The 30-pound limit ought to be all that could possibly be needed for beginner and intermediate stargazers.
  • German EQ design with stabilizers for more equalization.
  • Integer gears with programmable intermittent error correction to counteract the following mistakes.
  • A wide scope of scope from 7 to 77 degrees.
  • Improved hardware in the CelestronNextStar+ hand control, with expanded memory for future extensions.
  • New improved engine lodgings offer imaging over the meridian without impedance.
  • Incorporates polar degree and All-Star polar arrangement.


  • The provided stabilizers at 11 pounds and with 5-inch breadth can be unreasonably huge for some littler scopes.
  • It can be hard to set up, and customary recalibration of the GoTo programming is required.

Best Portable Equatorial Mount for Astrophotography—Orion Min-EQ Tabletop Equatorial 9055

Find the latest price and customer reviews on Amazon here.

​Normally I wouldn’t prescribe going anyplace close to a little mount like this one. It just allows telescopes as much as 7 pounds and doesn’t include any GoTo programming.

Be that as it may, at just 10 pounds in weight and 14 inches in height, it’s an extraordinary amount to toss in a rucksack.

Features of the Min-EQ Tabletop Mount.

Video by Orion Telescopes & Binoculars

This tabletop tripod includes a tough metal EQ-1 equatorial mount, with a petite tripod with string on legs.

It would be a fantastic expansion for wide-field astrophotography on any medium-term outdoors outings, and you can even purchase an engine drive for it as well. Simply ensure your telescope isn’t too enormous.


  • Economical, even with an extra engine unit.
  • Lightweight and conservative, yet tough.
  • Double moderate movement control links for manual following and scope alteration.
  • A solitary, 4.8-pound stabilizer is incorporated for equalization.
  • Ultra-portable and perfect for outdoor trips.


  • An extremely constrained payload limit—might be better with a DSLR camera instead of a telescope.
  • The manual following handle will need turning at regular intervals—long exposures will require the extra engine drive.
  • Needs a firm surface, extremely troublesome, near on difficult to connect to some other tripod.

Related questions.

What is an equatorial mount?

An equatorial mount is a mount for instruments that compensates for Earth’s rotation by having one rotational axis parallel to the Earth’s axis of rotation. This type of mount is used for astronomical telescopes and cameras.

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