What is the Butterfly Nebula?

What is the Butterfly Nebula?

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The Butterfly Nebula is a bipolar planetary nebula that can be found in Scorpius. It lies at a separation of 3,800 light-years from Earth. Named for its likeness to a butterfly, the nebula has a wingspan that stretches crosswise over three light-years.

It is often likewise called the Bug Nebula. It has the assignment NGC 6302 in the New General Catalog.

Butterfly Nebula, 6 amazing Facts.

  1. The temperature of The butterfly Nebula is around 222,204°C – (400,000 F).
  2. The distance from Earth is 3,392 light-years away.
  3. Butterfly Nebula was first discovered around 1888. 
  4. Other names for the Butterfly Nebula are, NGC 6302 and Bug Nebula.  
  5. The Butterfly Nebula is found in the constellation Scorpius in the Southern Hemisphere.
  6. The size is 2.7 light-years across. 

The Butterfly Nebula has one of the most unpredictable structures at any point found in a planetary nebula. The perishing focal star is one of the most sizzling known stars in the cosmic system.

It has a surface temperature of around 222,204°C (400,000 F) and is hidden from view by residue mists, however sparkling splendidly in UV wavelengths.

The residue cloud around the star has an expected temperature of 18,000°C. The gas in the nebula is moving all around rapidly crosswise over space at more than 600,000 miles (965,606 kilometers) every hour.

The star at the focal point of the nebula is a white dwarf with an expected mass of about 0.64 solar masses.

It has a thick circle of residue and gas encompassing it at the equator, which is accepted to have made the star’s surge of material structure the bipolar butterfly shape, looking like an hourglass.

Planetary nebulae are framed when Sun-like stars in their last phases of life come up short on fuel and start shedding off their external layers and discharging gas at high speeds.

When the focal stars start to warm up, the radiation from the stars makes the billows of ejected materials shine.

The term planetary nebula was first utilized by William Herschel during the 1780s. The objects got the name since when seen through a telescope their appearance took after that of a planet.

Despite the fact that the term is off base and does not so much portray these objects appropriately, today it is as yet utilized.

The Butterfly Nebula (NGC 6302) isn’t to be mistaken for any of the few nebulae which are either comparative or alluded to by that name: NGC 2346 in Monoceros constellation, the planetary nebula M2-9, otherwise called Minkowski’s Butterfly or the Twin Jet Nebula, found in Ophiuchus, NGC 6881 in Cygnus, NGC 5189 (Spiral Planetary Nebula) in Musca, Little Dumbbell Nebula (Messier 76) in Perseus, and IC 1318, otherwise called the Gamma Cygni Nebula, which lies close to the focal point of the Northern Cross in Cygnus.

Discovery of the Butterfly Nebula and observational facts.

The Butterfly Nebula has been known to the science community at large since 1888.

The primary known investigation of the object dates from 1907 when the American stargazer Edward Emerson Barnard drew and depicted the nebula.

The Butterfly Nebula has a bipolar structure with two essential projections and conceivably another pair of flaps from a prior period of mass loss.

The nebula’s focal star is darkened by a dim path that goes through the nebula’s abdomen.

Planetary Butterfly Nebula M2-9


NGC 6302 has a noticeable northwestern flap which is accepted to have shaped around 1,900 years back.

The focal star has not been recognized as a result of the dusty torus clouding it and engrossing a lot of the light originating from the nebula’s focal district, and as a result of the star’s splendid foundation.

The star has a mass roughly 0.64 times that of the Sun.

It was initially significantly more monstrous, with a mass around five times our solar mass, however, it shot out the greater part of its mass thus bringing about the development of the nebula.

The star is right now developing into a white dwarf. It is around multiple times as hot as the Sun and one of the hottest known stars. The bright radiation from the star is making the nebula shine.

The Butterfly Nebula was one of the bipolar planetary nebulae lying close to the galactic center that was found to be specially adjusted to the galactic plane of the Milky Way.

The disclosure declared on September 4, 2013, proposes that there is an outer power that is molding their direction, potentially a solid attractive field radiated by the universe’s lump.

Analysts studied multiple hundred planetary nebulae that are located at the focal locale of the galaxy utilizing the Hubble Space Telescope and European Southern Observatory’s New Technology Telescope (NNT) when they found that the bipolar nebulae were in a surprising arrangement with one another, with their long axes adjusted along the plane of the Milky Way.

The nebulae are in various areas, they have various structures and narratives, and don’t communicate with one another, yet they are bafflingly symmetrical with each other.

This isn’t the situation with every planetary nebula, just the bipolar ones.

The state of planetary nebulae is accepted to be dictated by the pivot of the focal star or star system. The state of bipolar nebulae is believed to be a consequence of planes blowing mass outwards from the focal star opposite to its orbit.

While the state of planetary nebulae is controlled by the qualities of the begetter stars, the new discovering proposes that the focal lump of the Milky Way with its attractive fields has a more grounded impact over the whole system than previously suspected.

Characteristics of the butterfly nebula.

NGC 6302 has a perplexing structure, which might be approximated as bipolar with two essential flaps, however, there is proof for the second pair of projections that may have had a place with a past period of mass loss.

A dull path goes through the abdomen of the nebula clouding the focal star at all wavelengths.

The nebula contains an unmistakable northwest projection which stretches out up to 3′.0 away from the focal star and is assessed to have framed from an eruptive event around 1,900 years ago.

It has a circular part whose dividers are growing to such an extent that each part has a speed corresponding to its separation from the focal star.

At an angular separation of 1.71′ from the focal star, the stream speed of this flap is estimated to be 263 km/s. At the extraordinary outskirts of the flap, the outward speed surpasses 600 km/s.

The western edge of the projection shows qualities suggestive of a crash with previous globules of gas which adjusted the surge in that area.

The focal star.

The focal star, among the most sweltering stars known, had evaded detection as a result of a mix of its high temperature (implying that it transmits chiefly in the UV spectrum), the dusty torus (which assimilates an enormous part of the light from the focal districts, particularly in the UV) and the brilliant foundation from the start.

It was not found in the primary Hubble Space Telescope images; the improved goals and affectability of the new Wide Field Camera 3 of a similar telescope later uncovered the faint star at the center.

A temperature of 200,000 Kelvin is demonstrated, and a mass of 0.64 solar masses. The first mass of the star was a lot higher, however, most were shot out in an explosive event thus forming the planetary nebula.

The radiance and temperature of the star show it has stopped atomic fusion and is headed to turning into a white dwarf, blurring at an anticipated pace of 1% every year.

The dust chemistry of the Butterfly Nebula.

The conspicuous dim path that goes through the focal point of the nebula has been appeared to have a bizarre creation, indicating proof for various crystalline silicates, crystalline water ice and quartz, with different highlights which have been translated as the main extra-solar location of carbonates.

This identification has been contested, because of the challenges in shaping carbonates in a non-fluid environment. The debate stays uncertain.

One of the attributes of the residue identified in NGC 6302 is the presence of both oxygen-bearing silicate atoms and carbon-bearing polycyclic sweet-smelling hydrocarbons (PAHs).

Stars are typically either oxygen-rich or carbon-rich, the change from the previous to the last happening late in the development of the star because of atomic and compound changes in the star’s air.

NGC 6302 has a place in a select group of objects where hydrocarbon atoms are framed in an oxygen-rich condition.

Related questions.

What is a nebula?

A nebula is a giant cloud of dust and gas in space. Some nebulae come from the gas and dust thrown out by the explosion of a dying star, such as a supernova. Other nebulae are regions where new stars are beginning to form.

What are diffuse nebulae?

Diffuse nebulae, sometimes inaccurately referred to as gaseous nebulae, are clouds of interstellar matter, namely thin but widespread agglomerations of gas and dust.

If they are large and massive enough they are frequently places of star formation, thus generating big associations or clusters of stars.

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