How Fast Does Mars Rotate

How Fast Does Mars Rotate

Mars rotation is 24 hours, 39 minutes. Planet Mars rotates around 40 minutes slower  than planet Earth. rotates in prograde(counter clockwise). The planet has a rotationalspeed of 868.22 km/h at the equator.

Earth makes two full orbits around the sun in the time planet Mars makes just one. This is due to Mars having a longer orbital path.

Mars Orbit.

Video by David Butler

Mars facts

  • The diameter of Mars is 4,220 miles
  • The length of a year is 687 Earth days
  • The length of a year is 687 Earth days
  • Gravity 0.375 that of earth
  • Temperature, Average -81 degrees F
  • Average speed in orbiting the Sun, 14.5 miles a second

Top amazing facts about Mars

Video by Top 10 Archive

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. The average distance to the sun from mars is 142 million miles. That would take about 150 years of driving at 100 mph driving for 24 hours per day.

How long does it take Mars to rotate around the sun.

Mars revolves or orbits around the Sun once every 1.88 Earth years, or once every 686.93 Earth days. Mars travels at an average speed of 53,979 miles per hour or 86,871 kilometers per hour in its orbit around the Sun.

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